Abbreviation/Symbol Meaning/Definition
[ ] work given instructions within brackets as many times as directed
( ) work given instructions within parentheses in place directed
* * repeat given instructions after the asterisks as directed
* repeat given instructions after the one asterisk as directed
" inch(es)
alt alternate
approx approximately
beg beginning
bet between
BL back loop(s)
bo bobble
BP back post
BPdc back post double crochet
BPsc back post single crochet
BPtr back post treble
CA color A ( primary color)
CB color B ( secondary color)
CC contrasting color
ch chain stitch
ch- refers to the previous made chain (or space): e.i., ch-1 space
ch-sp chain space
CL cluster
cm centimeter(s)
cont continue
dc double crochet
dc2tog double crochet 2 together
dec decrease/decreases/decreasing
dtr double treble
FL front loop(s)
foll follow/follows/following
FP front post
FPdc front post double crochet
FPsc front post single crochet
FPtr front post treble
g gram
hdc half double crochet
inc increase/increases/increasing
lp(s) loop(s)
m meter(s)
MC main color
mm millimeters
oz once(s)
p picot
pat(s) or patt patterns(s)
pc popcorn
pm place marker
prev previous
rem remain/remaining
rep repeat(s)
rnd(s) round(s)
RS right side
sc single crochet
sc2tog single crochet 2 stitches together
sk skip
Sl st slip stitch
sp(s) space(s)
st(s) stich(es)
tch or t-ch turning chain
tbl through back loop
tog together
tr treble crochet
trtr triple treble
WS wrong side
yd(s) yard(s)
yo yarn over
yoh yarn over hook
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